It's juicy, it's pink, it's your move!

Washington State University wants the public’s help to choose a trademark name for an apple.

"WA 64" is a "pink blushed apple with outstanding eating quality, being both firm and tasty," officials said in a press release on Tuesday.

The apple release from Washington State University originated from a cross between Honeycrisp and Cripps Pink (aka Pink Lady) that was made in 1998 at the Wenatchee Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center, officials said.

Sensory and instrumental evaluations of crispness, juiciness, and hardness show the exceptional eating characteristics of WA 64,” WSU said.

Washington State University has been granted a plant patent for WA 64 and is developing a trademark name.

You can submit your suggestions for the name on a form through Washington State.

Officials said they are accepting only one entry per person and you must be 18 or older to participate.

Entries will be accepted until May 5, 2024. To submit your entry, head to the Washington State University survey.

The winner will get a Washington State University gift box, including a charcuterie board engraved with the contest-winning name suggestion, a gift box of WA 64 apples, and other WSU themed items.
